Studies available to hemophilia patients

The IHTC has a wide range of research studies available for every patient including surveillance, long term outcomes, monitoring for hemophilia-related consequences, new infusion products including novel agents, and gene therapy trials. Please contact the IHTC if you wish to learn more about research studies available to you or your family member.

Long Acting Products

Long Acting Products have the potential to improve treatment due to less frequent infusions, and improve compliance and quality of life.

Novel Subcutaneous Therapies

Novel Subcutaneous Therapies such as HemLibra (now FDA-approved for Hemophilia A with or without inhibitor patients) and Concizumab (trials ongoing for Hemophilia patients with or without inhibitors) have active studies ongoing at the IHTC. These may provide treatment options for inhibitor patients and eventually the general hemophilia population.

Contact Us

If you are in Indiana, call
317.871.0000 or 877.CLOTTER (877.256.8837)