Advanced Knowledge and Coordination

Many Indiana Hemophilia and Thrombosis Center (IHTC) patients use our in-house pharmacy for hemophilia and other blood disorder medication services. Our pharmacy team specializes in the medications you need to manage your condition and offer important information about these medications and their uses.


You may choose any pharmacy for hemophilia or other bleeding disorder treatment options, but the IHTC pharmacy can provide additional resources regardless of where you fill your prescriptions. With advanced knowledge of bleeding disorder drugs and their interactions, our pharmacy team can help you and your other doctors understand any potential interactions before they become problems.


Your IHTC pharmacy is part of your care team—helping you stay informed and on track with your medications and treatment. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that this level of coordination significantly reduces risks for bleeding disorder patients.


Our pharmacy team can help you adjust your medication and troubleshoot any issues you have with the prescriptions and over-the-counter medications you take. To take advantage of blood disorder medication counseling, stop by the IHTC Pharmacy. For hemophilia and other blood disorder patients, medication use and monitoring can be critical. The IHTC pharmacy team can help.