What is Comprehensive Clinic?

An important part of your bleeding disorder care

Comprehensive clinic (comp clinic) is a special “well” clinic visit similar to a yearly physical. This visit includes a team of experts to talk about your bleeding disorder and how it affects your life. You will have a comp clinic visit every 1-5 years depending on your health and diagnosis.

What is the cost of this visit?

Your comprehensive clinic visit at the IHTC is free. See table in this PDF to see which services are free, and which services might have a fee.

Please bring:

• Insurance cards (primary and secondary)
• List of all your medications (name, dose and schedule)
• Infusion logs
• Clothes (like shorts and a short sleeve shirt) that will let the physical therapist evaluate your joints and muscles
• All other health records you would like to share

Who will I see during this visit and what should I expect?

• Comp clinic can last about 3 hours. Bring a book, magazine or toy in case of delays between care providers
• You will receive follow-up information after the visit to discuss your treatment plan
• A detailed note about your visit will be mailed to you and your primary provider
You will be seen by many different members of the IHTC team. Turn the page to read about each of these providers.

Learn more about Comprehensive Clinic