Providing comprehensive, coordinated care for menstrual and gynecological health

IHTC's GO+ Clinic is all-inclusive, taking care of all gender identities across the lifespan.

+This includes persons with—or who have had—the ability to menstruate.

The GO+ Clinic is the only specialty clinic of its kind in the state of Indiana

The clinic focuses on taking lifelong care of those with known or suspected bleeding disorders, specifically management of heavy menstrual bleeding (HMB), and those at increased risk of developing blood clots requiring safe hormonal therapy. HMB may be a symptom of an underlying bleeding disorder, hormonal dysfunction, and/or a gynecological issue. A personal or family history of blood clots may preclude the use of certain kinds of hormonal suppressive therapy due to safety concerns. These difficult decisions require the expertise of a hematologist and either adolescent medicine physician and/or gynecologist—with an in-depth evaluation and discussion. The GO+ Clinic brings together these experts to
provide comprehensive, coordinated care in one appointment at the IHTC, improving patient access to diagnosis, care, and treatment.

The IHTC is the only federally designated Hemophilia Treatment Center (HTC) in the state of Indiana and is a center of excellence in the treatment of bleeding and clotting disorders. The IHTC is staffed with an integrated on-site multidisciplinary team available to help with issues that arise during the encounter. The GO+ Clinic is the only specialty clinic of its kind in the state of Indiana.

GO Clinic Referrals

Heavy menstrual bleeding symptoms (7-2-1)
7-2-1 refers to the signs of a heavy period

  • 7 — cycles lasting longer than 7 days
  • 2 — changing a pad/tampon every 2 hours or less
  • 1 — passing blood clots more than 1 inch or a quarter in size

Other signs

  • Iron deficiency, anemia, or need for blood transfusion
  • Missing days of school or work due to bleeding

Other bleeding symptoms

  • Excessive bleeding after surgery, dental work, or childbirth
  • Frequent and prolonged nosebleeds
  • Prolonged bleeding from cuts or wounds
  • Easy bruising
  • Family history of a bleeding disorders

Seeking consultation for safe hormonal therapy, due to personal or family history of blood clots

Evaluation and Treatment Offered

  • Work up for bleeding disorders with management as needed
  • If a bleeding disorder is diagnosed, then comprehensive care is provided at the IHTC with regular follow up
  • Anticoagulation management in patients with a history of thrombosis/clotting disorders
  • Pelvic exams/full gynecological exam as needed
  • Safe hormonal therapy may be prescribed
  • Evaluation for Intrauterine Device (IUD) placement as needed
  • Menopause care