Patient Perspective: Living with Sickle Cell Disease (Abdusalam)

Abdusalam is an active 14-year-old IHTC patient living with sickle cell disease. A participant in IHTC’s PATH program, Abdusalam sat down with us to discuss the many activities he is able to enjoy thanks to the consistent disease management and programs offered to him at IHTC.

What are your favorite hobbies?
I love playing video games, and I also love being outside.

What do you like about IHTC?
I really love camp. I look forward to it in the summer, because I like hanging out with kids my age who understand some of the things I go through. I also really like all the outdoor activities.

What are your favorite subjects in school, and why?
I like to read. It’s a good way to relax, which can help manage pain caused by my sickle cell disease. I also like gym class because we get to run around and play games!

What do you want to do after high school?
I really want to be an actor.

How does having sickle cell impact you in school?
Sometimes when I get pain, it stops me from doing things that I like, like playing basketball or running around outside. It can be frustrating sometimes.

What would you tell someone who doesn’t know anything about sickle cell?
Sickle cell is a blood disease that can cause abnormal pain. If you take care of it and see your doctor when you’re supposed to, you can manage it pretty well.